I’m a 60’s man, who enjoys staying on top of issues, events and how somehow they affects us: 50’s matured to Seniors, directly or indirectly.
If still employed because of need or as a choice-as in my case, or are fully retired, matters not, all welcomed.
I would enjoy opinions, and hearing from likeminded 50’s-Seniors, who are open to discuss here via email.
Perhaps form a respectful email chain, or meet at some point as individuals, smaller group setting to openly discuss the many challenges, we matured/Seniors are faced with?
I agree, it will not be a fix it thing, maybe, attentive-good listening skills, sympathetic with others perspective and full discretion, with respect to the need, loss, or issues you are challenged-experiencing can be of some solace to you or both? If so, say hello, provide a quick intro!
Thank you-